REMINDER: To receive 2024 tax year gift credit, checks must be postmarked before December 31, 2024, and donations made online must clear before midnight on December 31, 2024. Make a gift today!

The Catholic Charities offices are closed for the holidays. Regular operating hours will resume on January 2, 2025.

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COA Accreditation

Striving for Excellence

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COA accreditation attests that an organization meets the highest standards and is delivering the best quality services to the community it serves. Catholic Charities is proud to be part of Council on Accreditation’s Community of Excellence. COA accredits the full continuum of child welfare, behavioral health, and community-based social services. They currently accredit more than 2,200 organizations and programs serving more than 7 million individuals and families. COA is an international, independent, not-for-profit accrediting body that was incorporated as a separate legal entity in August 1977, as an accrediting body of social and behavioral healthcare services.