REMINDER: To receive 2024 tax year gift credit, checks must be postmarked before December 31, 2024, and donations made online must clear before midnight on December 31, 2024. Make a gift today!

The Catholic Charities offices are closed for the holidays. Regular operating hours will resume on January 2, 2025.

Wave Teal

Support the Catholic Charities Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program this Giving Tuesday!

The Catholic Charities Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault program serves survivors with dignity and grace. Our program offers an emergency shelter that provides safe, confidential living for up to eight families at a time. We provide food, personal care items and everything a family needs while they stay at the shelter.

We are committed to providing the best care possible for our clients. Your donation will help keep our pantry stocked as we are always in need of food, personal care and hygiene items, fresh bed sheets, towels and more.

  • Your gift of $25 will supply us with enough toilet paper for four days.
  • Your gift of $50 will provide fresh bath towels for eight of our shelter guests.
  • Your gift of $100 will feed the women, men and children in our care a hot breakfast.
  • Your gift of $250 will provide new sheets for half of our shelter guests.

Contact Us

Bobbi Jo Smith

Director of Development and Marketing
