REMINDER: To receive 2024 tax year gift credit, checks must be postmarked before December 31, 2024, and donations made online must clear before midnight on December 31, 2024. Make a gift today!

The Catholic Charities offices are closed for the holidays. Regular operating hours will resume on January 2, 2025.

Wave Teal

Support Catholic Charities Refugee Services this Giving Tuesday!

Catholic Charities Refugee Services will welcome more than 450 refugees to Iowa by the end of 2025. As our team prepares for these new neighbors, we are working to make sure each family has what they need to be successful.

One important service Catholic Charities Refugee Services provides for our refugee clients is supplying them with safe housing filled with basic necessities. Everything you need to live in your home, our refugee clients need too. Your donation will go towards making sure our refugee clients have all they need to succeed.

  • Your gift of $25 will help us equip a refugee family’s kitchen with essential tools needed for cooking.
  • Your gift of $50 will provide bathroom essentials like shower curtains, toothbrushes, and hand towels.
  • Your gift of $100 will equip a refugee family’s new home with cleaning supplies.
  • Your gift of $250 will help purchase necessary furniture we do not have in our donation warehouse.

Contact Us

Bobbi Jo Smith

Director of Development and Marketing
