REMINDER: To receive 2024 tax year gift credit, checks must be postmarked before December 31, 2024, and donations made online must clear before midnight on December 31, 2024. Make a gift today!

The Catholic Charities offices are closed for the holidays. Regular operating hours will resume on January 2, 2025.

Wave Teal
Qualifying family members are: parents, legal spouse, unmarried children under age 21

For the qualifying family member overseas:

  • Must reside outside of country of origin
    • Proof of Refugee Documentation (i.e. UNHCR Refugee ID)
    • Passport photo for each family member

For the family member in the US applying:

  • Ex. I-94, asylum, lawful permanent residence
  • Must be a refugee who arrived within the last 5 years or less
    • Proof of legal status in the US