The Catholic Charities Food Pantry at 1815 Hubbell Avenue in Des Moines will not be able to distribute monthly food boxes until further notice due to an accident that caused structural damage to our facility. During this temporary closure, while we plan for the reconstruction and temporary service for our monthly guests, we still serve daily food bags from the window.

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Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault


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Domestic violence and sexual assault are real, tough issues that many individuals and families face. The Catholic Charities’ Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault program uplifts and empowers clients to move forward with confidence. 

Escape the violence.

The Catholic Charities’ Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault program provides services to anyone faced with these issues through a 24-hour crisis phone line, emergency shelter, court advocacy and much more. This program is based in Council Bluffs, Iowa and serves nine counties in southwest Iowa.

Counties served: Audubon, Cass, Fremont, Harrison, Mills, Montgomery, Page, Pottawattamie and Shelby.

Program and Community Resources

24-Hour Crisis Line

Catholic Charities offers free and confidential help that is available 24/7 through a 24-hour crisis phone line, staffed by our fully trained volunteers and staff. If you are experiencing abuse, harassment or harm from your partner, help is available. Services are available to anyone impacted by sexual violence, including survivors and friends and family of survivors. 

If you are in need of help, we are here for you!
Call 712-328-0266 or toll free 888-612-0266
Iowa Victim Call Center: 1-800-770-1650 or  text ‘IOWAHELP’ to 20121
IA Deaf & Hard of Hearing Crisis Hotline:

After hours, evenings, & weekends:  (855) 812-1001
Available Monday-Friday 8am – 5pm
Video Phone/Phone:  (319) 531-7719
Text Only: (515) 661-4015

Support the Catholic Charities’ Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program

Emergency Shelter

The Catholic Charities’ Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault program offers an emergency shelter which provides safe, confidential living for up to eight families at a time. A large outdoor playground and an indoor playroom allow children a place where they can be kids, away from the fear of violence in their home.

Everyone has touched my heart here. If you are ready for change, this is the place to do it.”

– Amber, Catholic Charities’ Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Client

Classes and Support Groups

Catholic Charities’ Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault program facilitates support groups and educational classes in domestic violence, providing an encouraging and welcoming space for survivors to tell their stories and receive the support and assistance they need. All classes are FREE and open to the community for survivors of domestic abuse and/or sexual assault. If attending in-person, free childcare is offered during the calls (only in Council Bluffs location). 

Current Virtual Classes Available

Class NameTime OfferedDescription
Financial Education & Empowerment (5 sessions)Tuesdays
10:00 a.m.
The Allstate Foundation’s Moving Ahead through Financial Management Curriculum is a comprehensive package of tools and information designed to empower victims to be self- sufficient with their finances. This is a 5 week curriculum which touches on the following topics: financial abuse, financial fundamentals, credit basics, and budgeting strategies.
Journey Beyond Abuse (8 sessions)Thursdays
3:00 p.m.
Journey Beyond Abuse is an educational support group to help victims of intimate partner abuse. It is designed to help victims/survivors to understand and begin to heal from abuse they have experienced. Sessions include: defining domestic violence, tactics of abusers, safety planning, effects of abuse on children, common responses to violence, and legal options.

Spanish Language Meeting (PDF)
Seeking Safety (8 sessions)Fridays
10:00 a.m.
Seeking Safety is a psycho-educational support group for survivors of trauma which they sustained due to domestic and/or sexual abuse and have been using unsafe behaviors to cope or manage their trauma symptoms. Topics include: safe coping skills, coping with triggers, grounding, compassion/self-nurturing, commitment, and many more.
Circle of SafetySecond Tuesday of the month
10:00 a.m.
Circle of Safety is a group specifically designed for survivors of domestic violence. It is a safe, supportive environment where each survivor has a chance to be heard and the opportunity to build positive relationships with others who share similar experiences.

Please call 712-328-0266 or 1-888-612-0266 for an intake and questions.

We are there to help!

Catholic Charities services are available to all people in need regardless of background. Sexual Assault is a term that is used to describe any forced or unwanted sexual activity including rape, incest, molestation and exhibitionism. It is not a crime of passion but rather a crime of violence.

  • “I don’t know if I’ve been sexually assaulted.”
    • That isn’t as unusual as you might think. We are surrounded by images of sexual assault that portray situations as perpetrated by strangers, at knife point….. the reality is that most victims of sexual assault know there attacker and it is much more likely that the attacker has used coercion than force to get the victim to do what they want. We encourage you to call the Catholic Charities Sexual Assault Program and talk to someone . Chances are, if you feel uncomfortable about what happened, you may need some help deciding what your options are.
    • If you have been sexually assaulted you can:
      • The first and most important thing is to make sure you are safe. Take a deep breath and try to focus. Experiencing trauma can leave you feeling confused and unsure.
        • Find a friend or family. Is there a friend or family member you could call to get support and help choosing what you want to do from here?
          • Call our 24 hour crisis line. A trained advocate is available for emotional support, options and referrals. 712-328-0266 or toll free at 1-888-612-0266.
            • Not in SW Iowa? Call: 1-800-284-7821
              • Go to the nearest emergency room.  Taking care of yourself both physically and emotionally is important. You do not have to have the police involved to go to the hospital. A nurse can perform an evidence collection kit and it can be kept until you do decide what to do. In Council Bluffs the hospitals will automatically call Catholic Charities to send an advocate for you. You decide if you want the advocate to stay with you during your time there.
                • Maintain evidence. If you decide to go to the hospital do not eat or drink anything before you go so an evidence collection kit can be performed. If you change clothes, take them with you. Do not shower. All these things will potentially get rid of evidence that may be able to be collected.
                • Report the assault to the police. You do not have to have the police involved to go to the hospital.
                • Receive legal advocacy. If you choose to make a police report, a Catholic Charities advocate will support you through the criminal justice process.
                • Seek counseling. Short-term, goal focused counseling is available to adolescent and adult victims, partners of victims and parents of children who have been sexually assaulted.

It is never OK.

Domestic violence is a pattern of controlling behaviors, including physical, sexual and psychological attacks that one adult intimate partner commits toward another. Domestic violence happens in every part of the community to men and women of every race, ethnicity, class, age, ability or disability, education level and religion.

Domestic Violence:

  • is purposeful and instrumental behavior.
  • is not an isolated incident.
  • is directed at achieving compliance from, or control over, the abused party.
  • is a progression of violent behavior which gets worse over time.
  • may appear to be directed against or involve the children, property or pets.

If you feel unsafe, call our 24 hour crisis line. A trained advocate is available for emotional support, options and referrals. 712-328-0266 or toll free at 1-888-612-0266.

  • Not in SW Iowa? Call: 1-800-284-7821

Do you answer ‘yes’ to any of the following?

  • I am afraid of my partner.
  • I cannot express my ideas, thoughts or feelings for hear of my partner’s reaction.
  • My partner controls what I do, who I see and where I go.
  • My partner often uses jealousy to justify this behavior.
  • My partner puts down my accomplishments and dreams.
  • My partner uses intimidation and threats to get his/her way.
  • My partner uses our children and pets to manipulate and punish me.
  • My partner shoves, punches, kicks or strangles me.
  • My partner threatens to hurt or kill me.
  • My partner makes me feel like there is “no way out” of the relationship.

If you answered ‘yes’ to these questions, we are here to help. If you feel unsafe, call our 24 hour crisis line. A trained advocate is available for emotional support, options and referrals. 712-328-0266 or toll free at 1-888-612-0266.

  • Not in SW Iowa? Call: 1-800-284-7821

There many ways you can get involved and support the Catholic Charities’ Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault program. Community and individual support allows us to provide critical life-changing experiences to all who come to us in need of help. 

Catholic Charities Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program upholds the CVAD Non-Discrimination Statement.  CLICK HERE to read the full statement.

Contact Us

Carrie Potter

Program Manager, Shelter and Housing, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault


Nelcy Vargas

Program Manager, Victim Services and Outreach, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
